Things That Have Disappeared

Below is a List of Things that have Been Removed from the museum.

Is someone starting a rival museum to be stocked with these items? Perhaps someone is decorating a corner of their house, tent or shed with items as a shrine to natural history. Maybe a kid needed something for share circle? What do you think?

The museum is now, as of Winter 2019, stocked with items affixed to the wall and also a variety of fossils people are encouraged to take.

  1. Video Screen (I was naive and didn't attach it securely to the wall)

  2. 6 Magnifying glasses. (I like to imagine they are in good use)

  3. 2 small magnifying view top containers

  4. 1 small desiccated baby snapping turtle (Found on a road at Button Bay)

  5. 1 small dried carapace of molted cicada

  6. A dozen or more laminated cyanotypes of plants growing in the yard of the museum

  7. All of the printed and laminated articles about Fanny Gardner, Zadock Thompson and natural history. (This is odd)

  8. Fanny Gardner's laminated photograph (I replaced it with one I wheat pasted to the wall)

  9. 1 small blank notebook.

  10. All of the pens

  11. 1 ink pad for stamping a geocache book.

  12. A small book on identifying trees by leaf shape.

  13. A few Burlington Branch Out pamphlets.

  14. Some of the Old North End Natural History Scavenger Hunt Pamphlets.

  15. 3 small glass vials with random small bits of detritus inside.

  16. A rock

  17. more magnifying glasses

  18. pens, pencils

  19. 5 vials containing dead bugs